Prevention is Better than Cure - Food

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Here are TT's Tips for better eating:

  • Avoid eating food that is high in toxins. Aim to buy organic where possible or wash non-organic in bowl of water with capful of apple cider vinegar to get rid of pesticides.
  • Aim to buy organic meat and chicken to avoid antibiotics and growth hormones. If constrained by budget, it is better to buy less and to maximise by making stews and stir fries and using bones for making healing bone broths.
  •  Eat real food.
  •  Aim to include a large salad in your diet every day. The more of these ingredients you include, the better:
    • Dark leafy greens: Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula
    • 1 cup broccoli sprouts
    • Cauliflower
    • Purple cabbage
    • Slice of red onion, yellow or green onions
    • Red, yellow or green peppers
    • Mushrooms: White Button, Bella , Cremini, Shiitake
    • Raw walnuts, almonds
    • Raw sunflower, pumpkin seeds
    • Sprouted beans like mung beams
    • Sprouted black/green lentils.
    • Consider other vegetables like radishes, artichokes, squash, and zucchini. Add avocado for healthy fats.
    • Shake on as much of these anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer spices as you can stand (turmeric, curry powder, garlic powder, oregano) and remember herbs are nutrient-dense and add flavour. Coriander is also a powerful detoxing herb.
Tracy Tredoux