
  • Water is a life-sustaining fluid, essential to our health.
  • Our bodies are made up of two-thirds water.
  • All the body's major systems require water - skin, detoxification, digestion etc.
  • As a rule of thumb, we need to drink eight glasses of water per-day, but this increases with such factors as exercise and heat.
  • Signs of dehydration:
    • headaches;
    • fatigue;
    • back pain;
    • brain fog;
    • depression;
    • constipation;
    • dizziness and light-headedness;
    • muscle cramps.
  • Begin your day with warm water and the juice of half a lemon. This helps prevent constipation, rehydrates the body and flushes the digestive system.
  • What else counts as water?
    • organic, green vegetable juices (spinach, kale, celery);
    • coconut water;
    • herbal teas;
    • fruits (watermelon, oranges, grapefruit, melon).
  • Make sure your water is clean:
    • Do we really know what is in our tap water?
    • Beware of BPA's and other harmful chemical substances, often found in plastic bottles;
    • Invest in your own home-filter system.
  • Gradually increase your water intake each day.
  • As you increase your water intake, decrease diuretics such as coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, and sugar-filled juices.
Tracy Tredoux