14 Ideas for Detoxing Your Home
14 Ideas for Detoxing Your Home
etox programmes often focus on what (and what not) to put in and on your body. This is a sensible focus for anyone beginning a detox, but do you know that many of the toxins that contirubte to your toxic load are sitting around your home and in your general environment? If you really want to give your body a chance to detox, it's time to give some attention to what you have in those cupboards.
Studies have found that most modern homes contain hundreds of chemical toxins that can be damaging to the body under prolonged exposure. Just as with the toxins that we try to erradicate from our diets and body care products, toxic cleaning products can contribute to many chronic illnesses, including asthma, heart disease and some cancers. As well as household cleaning products, toxins can be found in carpets, vinyl, adhesives, paint, varnish and fabrics.
Some estimates suggest that the air in your house may be two or three times more polluted than the air outside. This is even more pronounced during times of the year when you have all your doors and windows closed. As with all these things, it isn't all doom and gloom. There are plenty of affirmitive steps you can take to make your home less toxic and you can improve your environment by even addressing one or two of them. To get you started, this article has fourteen simple suggestions that you can implement right away.
This article gives 14 simple tips for removing harmful toxins from your home.