Health - Start with the Basics


With air quality becoming consistently worse, did you know that the air you are breathing in your home can be five-times more polluted than outside?

Today's tips focus on clean air indoors. Heating, chemicals in furniture, carpets, paints, cleaners, dry-cleaned clothes, household cleaning products, cabinetry etc. can all be contributing factors.

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Tracy Tredoux
  • Water is a life-sustaining fluid, essential to our health.
  • Our bodies are made up of two-thirds water.
  • All the body's major systems require water - skin, detoxification, digestion etc.
  • As a rule of thumb, we need to drink eight glasses of water per-day, but this increases with such factors as exercise and heat.
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Tracy Tredoux
Participate in your OWN health
  • Be more proactive, less reactive. 
  • Understand that chronic illnesses are progressive and that need you to be an active partner in managing your condition.
  • Become educated and empowered - many chronic diseases can be prevented. 
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Tracy Tredoux