5 Simple Ways to Beat the Bloat

Bloating, cramping and digestive discomfort are familiar problems for millions of people and often cause misery to the sufferers. But there is a lot you can do to tame your troublesome tummy. Follow these five simple tips to get your gut back on the road to health.

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Tracy Tredoux
The Benefits of Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

Poor diet contributes to more illness and premature death than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol combined. Diet is key. More and more data proves that even if you exercise and have a normal body weight, if you eat ‘junk’ you are increasing your risk of adverse health consequences.

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Tracy Tredoux
Gluten Free Tips
  • If you are not feeling well for any reason, try cutting out gluten for a few weeks and see how you feel. 
  • Better still - get tested.
  • Be aware that even when testing negative for celiac disease, many people still have a gluten intolerance.
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Tracy Tredoux
Prevention is Better than Cure - Movement Tips

Here are today's tips on movement:

•      Standing is better than sitting. Take a closer look at your day and find ways to stand up and/or move more.

•      Avoid sitting for longer than 50 minutes out of every hour. Stand up. Move around for a few minutes before sitting for the next 50 minutes.

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Tracy Tredoux
Prevention is Better than Cure - Food

Here are TT's Tips for better eating:

  • Avoid eating food that is high in toxins. Aim to buy organic where possible or wash non-organic in bowl of water with capful of apple cider vinegar to get rid of pesticides.
  • Aim to buy organic meat and chicken to avoid antibiotics and growth hormones. If constrained by budget, it is better to buy less and to maximise by making stews and stir fries and using bones for making healing bone broths.
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Tracy Tredoux